Who we are
Atlas (Access To Leisure And Sport Inc.) is a public benevolent non-profit charity organization. We are based in Geraldton, Western Australia and have been serving the community since 2003.
We work to increase people with disabilities access and inclusion in community.
Access is about making the physical facilities suitable for all people to be able to participate
Inclusion is about the culture of a group or organization. It is how it feels to get involved. Whether you feel welcome and able to get involved in areas that interest you to your full capacity.
To achieve improvements in access and inclusion we work both with people with disabilities and with organisers and developers directly. This two way process is designed to bring people together to enable better decisions about how we make a better community now and in the future.
We don’t run programs, we help people to get involved in what-ever is happening in the community.
Meet our Board and Staff

CEO - Zane D'Mello
Zane D’Mello runs Transition Management, a private Management and Community Projects Consultancy. He has provided services to a wide array of NGO, Government and private organisations across WA over many years. Prior to this he managed Geraldton Resource Centre, a non-profit organisation providing services to people experiencing disadvantage in the Midwest and Gascoyne regions of WA for 12 years.
Zane believes in equal opportunity for all people and is inspired to lead ATLAS into new and innovative ways of delivering quality inclusion outcomes for all its participants. Zane sees the changes being made in the disability sector as a challenge for ATLAS and is committed to support the needs, aspirations and dreams of people with a disability in ways that increase their capacity to contribute and be part of our community.
Zane has a Doctor of Business Administration (Information Systems). He has also lectured in the Graduate Certificate of Management for the Australian Graduate Management Consortium and a range of other undergraduate courses through the Geraldton Universities Campus for a range of universities.
He has previously been a Board Member of Western Australian Council of Social Service, Federation of Community Legal Centres, Mid West Community Services Network and the Mid West and Gascoyne Regional Human Services Managers Group.
Zane is keen on cycling, triathlon and kayaking and has lived in Geraldton for the past 20 years.

Operations Manager - Chris Kerr
Chris is a strong advocate within her community and challenges people to improve opportunities for people with disability. She has a passion for communities that value diversity and has sought to combine her personal and professional interests to promote community inclusion.
Chris has had long term involvement in the TAFE, labour market and disability sectors. She was the inaugural Manager of Geraldton Personnel Inc. a Disability Employment Service and was a member of the National Disability and Carers Council, providing advice to the Federal Government on Disability Policy as well as the implementation of the overarching National Disability Strategy (NDS), the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the Integrated Plan for Carer Support Services and proposed reforms to disability employment.
Chris has worked with the ABC Midwest and Wheatbelt as a breakfast presenter and content producer and was the recipient of the Regional Storyteller Scholarship 2021.
While having a disability brings challengers, I truly believe that teamwork, lateral thinking, determination and a sense of humour can make all the difference to building a better future to ensure every one of us feels that we belong. She is a keen for people to be ‘present’, ‘seen’, and ‘connected’ to their community and has been recongised for her work through awards such as the Centenary Medal for ‘service to the community, particularly the disabled community’. She enjoys outdoor recreation, especially open water swimming, adaptive mountain biking and travel.
Meet The Board

Jenny Rolston
I am a long time Geraldton resident with a working career spanning a range of public and private sector positions in Geraldton, Perth and Port Hedland. My experience covers education and training within the VET sector as well as various positions within Government including TAFE, the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Local Government as well as substantial experience in the private retail sector. I am currently employed in a management role for a local Geraldton business as well as running my own direct sales business on a part-time business.
My association with ATLAS began in 2010 when I first joined the Board and continue to this day to serve as Chairperson. My formal qualifications include a Graduate Certificate of Management (Professional Practice), a Bachelor of Applied Science (Library Studies), an Advanced Diploma of Management as well as other business management and financial services qualifications.
I am proud to be a part of ATLAS as we continue to build and promote an inclusive community where the emphasis is on how everyone can be part of and involved in an accessible and welcoming community. It is gratifying to see how far we have come over the years to the extent that others in the sector now use our model as their benchmark!

Angie West
Angie is a long term Geraldton resident and joined the board in 2016. She grew up in Shark Bay and is a passionate advocate for all children having the opportunity to access the outdoors and experience opportunities for risk.
With over 20 years experience in the early childhood sector – Angie also spent time working as an Inclusion Support Facilitator ensuring all environments were inclusive and welcoming to children with disabilities or other barriers such as language or culture. She continues to be passionate and motivated to make a difference in how parents and educators create an environment where children can become healthy, happy and resilient.
Angie’s personal journey with one of her children being born with a physical disability allows her to empathise and relate to families and individuals experiencing the challenges in achieving inclusivity in our community.
Angie also brings management and business skills to the board.

Adam Murszewski
I have been working with the Mid West Development Commission since late 2009 in a Planning, Project Development and Analysis Role.
Previously, I spent 10 years with the Department of Sport and Recreation’s Midwest and Gascoyne offices, during which time I assisted with the planning and establishment of ATLAS.
I have held a position on the Board since its commencement in 2004 and am currently Deputy Chair. I was made a Life Member is 2021.
My experience in sport and recreation includes four years on the Board of Management of Geraldton Buccaneers in the Western Australian State Basketball League and I currently am on the Boards of the Midwest Sports Federation and Midwest Academy of Sport. I am also a Board Member and Life Member of Regional Alliance West and have an MBA from Deakin University with undergraduate degrees in Business and Sports Administration.

Barbara Thompson
Barbara brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role including her current position working for Rural Enterprises as the Local Jobs Program Employment Facilitator for Geraldton, also having worked in the Midwest and Gascoyne region as the Manager of Entrepreneurship and Engagement for Regional Development Australia Midwest Gascoyne and delivered the Outback Business Networks program for Desert Knowledge Australia, Barbara has over a decade of experience working with industry and businesses of all sizes in Geraldton and regional WA.
In addition to her career in regional development, Barbara has extensive experience in private enterprise as an owner operator in manufacturing and retail businesses. Barbara has experience in the tourism sector as Manager of a regional visitor centre and as a Community & Accommodation Manager in the mining sector in the Pilbara region.
As well as her operational experience, Barbara holds several governance and leadership positions in community and not for profit organisations.
Barbara believes that by working together we can be the change for an equitable community.

Renee Marchetti
I’ve grown up in Geraldton and have never left. I’m an active person who enjoys the outdoors, the beach and playing hockey for Saints Hockey Club.
I have worked in the finance sector for the past 6 years and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I am currently studying a part-time Business Degree through Geraldton Universities Centre (CQUniversity) with a double major in Accounting and Management. I am excited to have the opportunity to join the ATLAS Board and work with a team that is an advocate for an inclusive and welcoming community in the Midwest Region.

Andrew Toovey
Andrew is Geraldton born & bred and has been working in IT for local business and NPO for the last 30 years.
National Standards for Disability Services
The Australian Government adopted the standards for its employment and advocacy services for people with disability from 1 July 2014.
These standards have a greater focus on person centered approaches and promote choice and control by people with disability. These are considered critical under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
The National Standards are a set of six standards that are able to be applied across a broad range of circumstances.
They are:
- Rights
- Participation and Inclusion
- Individual Outcomes
- Feedback and Complaints
- Service Access
- Service Management