ATLAS Tourism

ATLAS is committed to supporting both tourists and business to experience and create inclusive tourism experiences. We aim to work with both the travelling public and tourism operators to improve accessibility for all and expand the tourism market.

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Inclusive tourism is in extreme growth around the world and many counties are taking notice and capitalising on the opportunity now. 

Tourism businesses with improved accessibility appeal to a wider range of visitors. It’s not just disabled visitors who benefit, it’s families, older people, practically all your visitors in one way or another. 

People with disabilities spend 1.5 times more than others, stay an average of 8 nights, are often in groups of four or more and tend to travel during the quieter times.

Work with us to custom design your suite of services for a great tour and/or a great tour business.


Choose your tour activity and then contact us. We can work with you and your Tour Provider to make your selection as inclusive as possible.


If you are a traveller and you would like some reassurance around accessibility at a destination or an activity, we can talk to you about your requirements and conduct an onsite audit which can provide you with some certainty when selecting your choice of accommodation, tour or activity. We provide a short walk through video and a simple report tailored to your individual requirements.

We can recommend businesses and tours that are proactive in providing an inclusive experience.

We have a bank of equipment that we maintain for hire. Our equipment ranges from adaptive items use for transfers and lifting to equipment that increases access to adventure tourism including trekking, hiking, boating, off road adventuring, whatever you are in to.  You imagine it and we will develop a solution to allow you to access it.  Contact us to discuss your needs.

We can also assist you to make your accommodation more accessible.  We have a range of ramps and rails, bedding, living and shower equipment designed to make whatever accommodation you are in more comfortable.  Coral Coast Mobility Products


We have an extensive list of very experienced and skilled Leisure Buddies who can accompany you on tour to provide personal assistance with transfers, communication support and any other tour tasks.  We can meet you at your accommodation or at any agreed place in community.  We can also pick you up in our accessible bus.

You can book this at any time.  We just need a few days lead time to organise it.  Talk to us about your requirements and we can develop a custom solution to you.

Tourism Businesses

If you are a business, we can assist you by identifying barriers to inclusion.  We conduct an onsite audit and provide you with a customised report including recommendation and strategies to create a more inclusive tour experience for your customers.  This is a very low cost service designed to develop a plan of action.


We can provide building services to simply implement your Facility Audit report.

We can work with your business to help you implement your Facility Audit Report. This includes connecting you with suppliers of materials and equipment designed to help you attract a wider audience of travellers.

We can help you with access and inclusion information to develop your online and physical communications strategies designed to help you attract a wider audience of travellers.


We will work with you to build your staff’s comfort with providing quality services to people with inclusion requirements.
We provide off the job training according to your schedule and requirements. This can include key staff, teams, and key stakeholders in your supply chain.  We conduct on the job training. We will support your staff to deliver your tour or activity to increase the quality of the customer experience. We do this by bringing and supporting people with disabilities to test your facilities and having open and honest conversations to reassure staff that they all have the ability to provide an enjoyable experience to all customers. We also provide a customer survey designed to elicit feedback on your tour and provide a report to you so you can gauge the quality of your service.


You can call us with access and inclusion questions when booking someone into your tour. We can recommend businesses and tours that are proactive in providing an inclusive experience.

We can help you with access and inclusion information to develop your online and physical communications strategies designed to help you attract a wider audience of travellers.


We have a bank of equipment that we maintain for hire. You can either hire it as a business or for your personal use if you are a traveller.

Our equipment ranges from adaptive items used in accommodation settings for transfers and lifting, to equipment that increases access to adventure tourism including trekking, hiking, boating, off road adventuring, whatever you are into. You imagine it and we will develop a solution to allow you to access it.

We have an extensive network of inclusive tourism alliances and contacts that we can connect you with, so you can advertise your inclusive tours, activities and facilities to raise awareness of your offerings and services.

Cost: If we provide a facility audit, development or training to you this service is complimentary.

We can assist you with communicating with tourists about your inclusive tours, activities and facilities.

Looking for suggestions for inclusive holiday activities or tours? ATLAS Business Partners provide inclusive experiences.

Revolutions Geraldton – you can hire a range of adaptive cycle and gophers here.

Ultimate Water Sports – Get into the water on a range of equipment including water scooters, paddle boards, kayaks and jet skis.  You need to book before you attend.

Geraldton Golf Club Access our Paragolfer.  You can play a full round of golf with your friends and enjoy the clubhouse afterwards.  You can also enjoy virtual golf at the Spalding Golf Club.

Champion Bay Surf Life Saving Club – Going for a swim at our beautiful foreshore and need  some assistance to get in and out of the water.  We have a range of beach wheelchairs and beach  walkers to access.

New Leaf Connect – Looking to book a tour in the Midwest?  ATLAS can assist you to  join in a tour  with this partner.  Book it and then contact us.  We can develop a bespoke solution based on your chosen activity.

Planning a Holiday? Our partner travel agent can take the hassle out of creating and booking your  itinerary.  We can book all your transport, accommodation and tour choices and do all the work to  make  sure your holiday is accessible and inclusive. 1000 Mile Travel Group.

Are you interested?

Get in touch with us and we will provide you with all the info you need to get involved.